Activities and Wellbeing
Ageless Thanet came to an end on 31 March 2022. However, fantastic activities and support for over 50s in Thanet are continuing through Social Enterprise Kent and our partners at Your Leisure and Age UK.
See their full list of wellbeing activities for Thanet and the South Kent Coast.
You can still use the Feelgood Factory at Hartsdown Park and Ramsgate Leisure Centre, run by Your Leisure.
For further information on where to find other activities and support now that Ageless Thanet has come to an end, see our Ageless Futures page.
Improving physical and mental wellbeing was a key strand of Ageless Thanet's work over the full seven years of the project. With the Feelgood Factory as a hub, the wellbeing workstream offered a huge range of activities designed with older people to meet their needs and interests. Overall, 4855 people took part in wellbeing activities funded as part of Ageless Thanet. See our learning page for more details.
Below are the activities still on offer thanks to our fabulous volunteers who are continuing these independently. Get in touch with them directly via the links for more information.